Alexander Kuznetsov
Current positions:
Algebraic Geometry Section, Steklov Mathematical Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Gubkina str. 8, 119991, Moscow, Russia.
Laboratoire Poncelet (UMI 2615) -
The French-Russian Mathematics Laboratory in Moscow
Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry,
HSE, 6 Usacheva str., Moscow, Russia, 119048
e-mail: akuznet at mi dash ras dot ru
Curriculum vitae
Research interests:
Algebraic Geometry,
Derived Categories of Coherent Sheaves
Publications and preprints
Publications on arXiv
Useful links:
Seminars at MI RAS
MathSciNet (on the road)
Algebraic Geometry at
Independent University of Moscow
Courses in the Independent University of Moscow