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Alexandra Kuznetsova

I obtained my PhD in 2022 on the subject “Birational automorphisms of varieties” under supervision of Charles Favre and Constantin Shramov in the joint program of École Polytechnique and Higher School of Economics.

Since January 2023 I am a scientific researcher at the Steklov International Mathematical Center which is a part of the Steklov Institute. I also have a part-time position of a research assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics in Higher School of Economics.

I am interested in birational geometry; I study different aspects of behaviour of birational automorphisms of algebraic varieties such as the structure of finite groups of automorphisms and regularizability questions for automorphisms with interesting dynamics. I also had a project concerning a non-Kähler analogue of hyperkähler manifolds and its bimeromorphic automorphisms.

E-mail: sasha.kuznetsova.57@gmail.com

Webpages: on mathnet.ru and on HSE website.