Dmitry Kaledin

This is the professional homepage; for a personal one, you'll have to look elsewhere.

CV etc.: CV [TeX/PDF], list of publications [TeX/PDF]

Everything mathematical I ever wrote is avaivalble from except for texts in Russian:

Here is a Russian homepage for the introductory course in Algebraic Geometry which I gave at Steklov in 2005/2006.

My e-mails:

Dead ones are dead with no forwarding, R.I.P. Working ones are all logically different ( is totally different from but they all should be forwarded to the same address. There are also spam filters, alas -- if you cannot reach me, please try several addresses at once and/or keep yoor message small, without attachments.

If your letter is in cyrillic in Unicode encoding, I will not read it.

I support the mailing list for I.R. Shafarevich's seminar at Steklov; if you want to be added/removed, drop me a note.

Ok, this is it for now. Things coming up: a commented publication list, some half-finished papers which have been sitting around for several years. Keep tuned.