Workshop on birational
October 29-31,
2018 VENUE: Faculty of
mathematics HSE, Usacheva Str. 6,
room 210
Monday, 29.10
15.30-16.30 Vladimiro Benedetti, Calabi-Yau zero
loci inside Grassmannians
16.40-17.40 Daniel Loughran, Cubic surfaces over finite fields
17.40-18.00 Coffee break
18.00-19.30 Olivier Benoist, A real period-index theorem
(joint with the Arithmetic geometry seminar)
19.30-20.30 Discussions
Tuesday, 30.10
15.30-16.30 Vladimir
Popov, Compressing
finite subgroups of Cremona groups
16.40-17.40 Ivan Arzhantsev, Commutative algebraic monoid
structures on affine spaces
17.40-18.00 Coffee break
18.00-19.00 Alexei Golota, On entire holomorphic maps tangent
to foliations on threefolds
19.10-20.10 Konstantin Loginov, On non-rational fibers of del
Pezzo fibrations
20.30-21.30 Discussions
Wednesday, 31.10
15.30-16.30 Luca Tasin, On the minimal model
program for the moduli space of curves
16.40-17.40 Vladimir Lazić, On Generalised Abundance
17.40-18.00 Coffee break
18.00-19.00 Olivier Benoist, Density of sums of three squares
19.00-20.00 Discussions