One day conference in memory of V. A. Iskovskikh
December 22, 2020

O. Debarre

Gushel-Mukai varieties with many symmetries and an explicit irrational Gushel-Mukai threefold

We construct an explicit complex smooth Fano threefold with Picard number 1, index 1, and degree 10 (also known as a Gushel-Mukai threefold) and prove that it is not rational by showing that its intermediate Jacobian has a faithfull PSL(2,F11) -action. Along the way, we construct Gushel-Mukai varieties of various dimensions with rather large (finite) automorphism groups. The starting point of all these constructions is an EPW sextic with a faithful PSL(2,F11) -action discovered by Giovanni Mongardi in his thesis in 2013 and all this is joint work with him.

A. Pukhlikov

Rationally connected rational double covers of primitive Fano varieties

We show that for a Zariski general hypersurface V of degree M+1 in \mathbb PM+1 for M\geqslant 5 there are no Galois rational covers X\dashrightarrow V with an abelian Galois group, where X is a rationally connected variety. In particular, there are no rational maps X\dashrightarrow V of degree 2 with X rationally connected. This fact is true for many other families of primitive Fano varieties as well and motivates a conjecture on absolute rigidity of primitive Fano varieties.

A. Corti

Mori fibred Calabi-Yau pairs birational to (P3, quartic surface)

We classify Mori fibred Calabi-Yau pairs in the title when the surface has an A1 or A2 singularity.

I. Dolgachev

Automorphisms of Coble surfaces

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