Personal details
Name:Victor V. Przyjalkowski
Date of birth: 31.07.1982
Place of birth: Moscow
Citizenship: Russia
Steklov Mathematical Institute ( since 2007), leading researcher
Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry of HSE (2011-2017), scientific researcher
Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry of HSE (since 2017), Deputy Head
MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (since 2020), professor

Moscow State University (2004)
Diploma "Gromov-Witten invariants of some Fano threefolds"

Steklov Mathematical Institute, PhD (2007),
Thesis "Gromov-Witten invariants of Fano varieties" (in Russian)
Scientific advisors V. V. Golyshev, V. A. Iskovskikh

Steklov Mathematical Institute, Habilitation (2017)
Thesis "Toric Landau-Ginzburg models" (in Russian)
BASIS foundation prise "Leader" (2024-2027)
BASIS foundation prise "Junior Leader" (2020-2021)
Moscow Government Prize for young scientists - 2019
Young Russian Mathematics award (2018-2020)
Dynasty foundation prize (2013-2015)
Grants awarded
MD-30.2020.1 (2020-2021)
Mirror Symmetry NRU HSE, RF Government grant, ag. № 14.641.31.0001 (2017-2019)
MK-6019.2016.1 (2016-2017)
RFFI 15-51-50045 (2015-2016)
RFFI 15-01-02158 (2015-2017)
RFFI 15-01-02164 (2015-2017)
RFFI 14-01-00160 (2014-2016)
RSF 14-50-00005 (2014-2018)
RSF 14-21-00052 (2014-2016)
RFFI 14-01-00160 (2014-2016)
MK-696.2014.1 (2014-2015)
NSh-2998.2014.1 (2014-2015)
RFFI 12-01-33024 (2012-2013)
RFFI 12-01-31012 (2012-2013)
MK-1192.2010.1 (2012-2013)
NSh-5139.2012.1 (2012-2013)
RFFI 11-01-00185-a (2011-2013)
AG Laboratory GU-HSE, RF government
grant, ag. 11 11.G34.31.0023 (2010-2014)
RFFI 11-01-00336-a (2011-2013)
MK-503.2010.1 (2010-2011)
NSh-4713.2010.1 (2010-2011)
FWF P20778 (2008-2010)
NSh-1987.2008.1 (2008-2009)
RFFI 08-01-00395-a (2008-2010)
NSh-9969.2006.1 (2006-2007)
RFFI grant 05-01-00353-a (2005-2007)
RFFI grant 04-01-00613-a (2004-2006)
NSh-489.2003.1 (2003-2006)