Conference in honour of Alexey Bondal's 60th birthday, December 15–17, 2021


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Agnieszka Bodzenta (University of Warsaw)
Weakly localising subcategories of coherent sheaves and isomorphisms in codimension two

Mikhail Kapranov (IPMU)
Euler continuants, \(N\)-spherical functors and periodic semi-orthogonal decompositions

Bernhard Keller (Université de Paris)
Group actions on cluster categories from Ginzburg morphisms

Maxim Kontsevich (IHES)
Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for \(q\)-difference modules

Shinnosuke Okawa (Osaka University)
On semiorthogonal indecomposability of irregular surfaces

Alexander Polishchuk (University of Oregon)
Homological mirror symmetry for chain type polynomials

Michel Van den Bergh (Universiteit Hasselt)
Deformations of triangulated categories with t-structure

Alexander Vishik (University of Nottingham)
On isotropic and numerical equivalence of cycles