Ilya  Dmitrievich Shkredov (CV.pdf)

   Division of Algebra and Number Theory

   Steklov Mathematical Institute
   Gubkina st., 8
   119991 Moscow, RUSSIA
   +7 (499) 135-2291
   fax: +7 (499) 135-0555,


Here you can find some information about me and my old papers. The new articles is available on arXiv.

Some of my talks

More talks postnauka   Ñîáåñåäíèêè



Scientific interests
Combinatorial and Ergodic Number Theory, Additive Combinatorics, Combinatorial Ergodic Theory.


Moscow Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia (1997-2005)
Master of Science in Pure and Applied Mathematics (June 25, 2002).

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics (May 20, 2005), thesis titled "On some problems of ergodic number theory", written under the supervision of Prof. N.G.Moshchevitin (May 20, 2005).
Second Russian Scientific Degree (Doctor fisiko–matematicheskih nauk) (June 17, 2009), thesis titled "Combinatorial properties of number sets of large density and its applications"

Short Term Positions
Term "Dynamical Systems and Additive Combinatorics", 2008, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley.
Term of Arithmetic Combinatorics, 2007, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.


MSU, Ordinary differential equations, 2006-now.
MSU, "Szemerédi’s Theorem and Fourier analysis", special course, 2006-2009.
Independent University of Moscow, "Green and Tao’s theorem on arithmetic progressions", special course, 2008.
MSU, "Arithmetic progressions", special course, 2005.
Moscow secondary school N17, 2006-2007.
Moscow secondary school N 1134, 2002-2005.


[1]  Recurrence in Mean,  Mat. Zametki 72:4 (2002), 625-632;  English transl. Mathematical Notes 72:4 (2002), 576-582.
[2]   Recurrence of Incomplete Quotients of Continued Fractions Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 57:4 (2002), 189-190; English transl. Comm. Moscow Math. Soc. 57:4 (2002),   819-821.
[3]   Some Additive Problems Connected with Exponential Functions, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 58:4 (2003), 165-166; English transl. Comm. Moscow Math. Soc. 58:4  (2003), 789-799.
[4]   On the Piatetzki-Shapiro Normality Criterion (with N.G. Moshchevitin), Mat. Zametki 73:4 (2003), 577-589; English transl. Mathematical Notes 73:4 (2003), 539-550.
[5]   On one Problem of Gowers, Doklady of Russian Academy of Sciences 400:2 (2005),169-172; English transl. Doklady Mathematics 71:1 (2005), 46-48. (.pdf)
[6]   On a Generalization of Szemeredi’s Theorem, Doklady of Russian Academy of   Sciences 405:3 (2005), 315-319; English transl. Doklady Mathematics 72:3 (2005),899-902. (.pdf)
[7]   On the Piatetzki-Shapiro Normality Criterion for Continued Fractions, Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika, accepted for publication.
[8]    On one Problem of Gowers, Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences 70:2 (2006),176-217; English transl. Izvestiya : Mathematics 70:2 (2006), 385-425. (.pdf)
[9]   On the multiplicative properties modulo m of numbers with missing digits (with N.G. Moshchevitin), Mat. Zametki 81:3 (2007), 385-404. English transl. Mathematical Notes 81:3-4 (2007), 338-355. (.pdf)
[10] On a Generalization of Szemeredi’s Theorem, Proceedings London Math. Soc., 93:3 (2006), 723-760. (.pdf)
[11] On Dynamical Systems with Slow Recurrence, Time, Mat. Sbornik 197:11 (2006), 143-158. English transl. Sbornik: Mathematics 197:11 (2006), 1697-1712. (.pdf)
[12] Szemerédi’s Theorem and Problems Concerning Arithmetic Progressions, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 61:6 (2006), 111-178. English transl. Comm. Moscow Math. Soc. 61:6 (2006) 1101-1166. (.pdf)
[13] On Sets of Large Exponential Sums, Doklady of Russian Academy of Sciences 411:4 (2006),455-459; English transl. Doklady Mathematics 74:3 (2006), 860-864. (.pdf)
[14] On Sets of Large Exponential Sums, Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences, 72, N 1, 161-182, 2008 (.pdf)
[15] Some Examples of Sets of Large Exponential Sums, Mat.Sbornik,198,N12, 105-140, 2007. (.pdf)
[16] On Sets with Small Doubling, Mat. Zametki, 84:6, 927-947; (.pdf)
[17] On a two-dimensional analog of Szemeredi’s Theorem in Abelian groups,Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences, 73:5 (2009), 455-505; (.pdf)
[18] On sumsets of dissociated sets, Online Journal of Analytic Combinatorics,  accepted for publication, (.pdf)
[19] On a result of J. Bourgain (with S.V. Konyagin), Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences, submitted for publication,
[20] On monochromatic solutions of some nonlinear equations in Z/pZ, Mat. Zametki, submitted for publication.
[21] On some two-dimensional configurations in dense sets, submitted for publication.
[22] On an inverse theorem for U3(?)-norm, accepted for publication.


Internet resources

[1] On one Problem of Gowers, arXiv : math.NT/0405406 v1 21 May 2004.
[2] On Multiple Recurrence, arXiv : math.NT/0406413 v1 21 Jun 2004.
[3] On a Generalization of Szemeredi’s Theorem, arXiv : math.NT/0503639 v1 28 Mar 2005.
[4] On Dynamical Systems with Slow Recurrence Time, arXiv : math.DS/0507345 v1 19 Aug 2005.
[5] On Sets of Large Exponential Sums, arXiv : math.NT/0605689 v1 26 May 2006.
[6] Some Examples of Sets of Large Exponential Sums, arXiv : math.NT/0610554 v1 18 Oct 2006.
[7] On Sets with Small Doubling, arXiv : math.NT/0703309 v1 11 Mar 2007.
[8] On a two-dimensional analog of Szemeredi’s Theorem in Abelian groups, arXiv : 0705.045 v1 [math.NT] 3 May 2007.
[9] On sumsets of dissociated sets, arXiv : 0712.1074 v1 [math.NT] 7 Dec 2007.

  External Conferences:

  “Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems and Applications to Theoretical Celestial Mechanics” (Moscow, Russia, December 23–28, 2002),
  The 5th International Conference “Algebra and Number Theory: Modern Problems and Applications” (Tula, Russia, May 19–24, 2003),
  “XXIIIrd Journee Arithm?etiques” Graz 2003 (Graz, Austria, July 6–12, 2003),
  International Conference “Diophantine analysis, uniform distributions and applications” (Minsk, Belarus, August 25–30, 2003),
  “Recent Trends in Additive Combinatorics” (Palo Alto, USA, September 9–12, IX, 2004),
  “Workshop on Geometrical Methods in Physics” (Belowieza, Poland, June 26–July 2, 2005),
  “Additive Combinatorics” (Bristol, England, September 5–9, 2005),
  “Probability and Ergodic Theory Workshop” (Chapel Hill, USA, February 16–19, 2006),
  “School on Additive Combinatorics” (Montreal, Canada, March 30–April 5, 2006),
  “Workshop on Additive Combinatorics” (Montreal, Canada, April 6–12, 2006),
  “Analytical and Combinatorial Methods in Number Theory and Geometry” (Moscow, Russia, May 25–31, 2006).
  “Diophantine and Analytical Problems of Number Theory” (Moscow, Russia, January 29–February 2, 2007),
  “Probability and Ergodic Theory Workshop” (Chapel Hill, USA, February 15–18, 2007),
  “Uniform distribution” (Marseille, France, January 21–25, 2008),
  “Building bridges” (Budapest, Hungary, August 5–9, 2008),
  “Discrete Rigidity Phenomena in Additive Combinatorics” (Berkeley, USA, November 3–7, 2008).

